• Dry Mouth
    Dry mouth is abnormal dryness resulting from decreased saliva. It can be caused by side effects of medications (too many to list!) or by salivary gland damage. Some conditions that Read more
  • Special Announcement!
    Marlene Karpinski, wife of the late Dr. Donald Karpinski, has chosen Dr. Robb to acquire the practice of her late husband. We appreciate the trust that Mrs. Karpinski has placed Read more
  • "My _____ keeps falling out. Can you help me?"
    Fill in the blank in the title with denture, partial, crown, bridge, onlay, filling---basically anything a dentist does or makes for you to replace something you’ve lost. It is important to Read more
  • Why Do You Ask All Those Questions About My Health?
    Do you cringe at the sight of your dentist’s health history form or glance over it distractedly when you’re asked to update it? It may not seem like it, but Read more
  • National Dental Hygiene Month
    Did you know that October is National Dental Hygiene Month? Dental hygiene is more than just fresh breath or white teeth. Study after study has shown that the health of Read more
  • Are You Gnashing Your Teeth?
    Gnashing is grinding or biting noisily. The phrase above is often used to mean that you are experiencing a strong emotion, sometimes in response to something that you cannot do Read more
  • Choosing a Mouthwash
    If you’ve walked down the dental care aisle at the store, you may be overwhelmed by all the mouthwash choices. Which one is right for you? Well, it all depends Read more
  • "Can I Have a Tooth Removed if There's Infection There?"
    Based on some comments I’ve heard in the last few weeks, it seems there is a widespread belief that a dentist or oral surgeon will not remove a tooth until Read more
  • Same Day Denture (Immediate) vs Traditional Method Denture
    If you’re faced with having all your teeth removed, you may be asked to decide if you want a same day denture (also called an immediate denture) or if you Read more
  • Got Crooked Teeth?
    What activities are you looking forward to this season? Do any of them involve photographs? Do you find that you try to hide your teeth because of how they look? Read more
  • Learning to Live with Dentures
    Many people think that getting a full set of dentures is the end to their mouth problems. In reality, that is far from the truth! Learning to wear and function Read more
  • Caring for Your Mouth at Home is Just As Important As Your Dental CheckUp
    Your teeth are important to the way you look. They help shape your face, help you speak clearly, and allow you to chew your food. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film Read more
  • Armed to the Teeth
    The saying “armed to the teeth” began back when knights wore armor from head to toe. It has two meanings. The first is to be heavily armed with deadly weapons, Read more
  • Is Keeping Wisdom Teeth Wise?
    A wisdom tooth is a molar tooth. We call it the third molar because it is the third tooth of that type to erupt. In fact, it’s usually the last Read more
  • Soft Tissue Management-A NONSURGICAL way to manage your gums!
    If you have the early stage of gum disease, you are the best candidate for a Soft Tissue Management program. You may also be a candidate if you have refused Read more
  • Dental Emergencies While Traveling
    Travel and Dental Emergencies   Travel—it’s something that’s on many people’s bucket list, so the last thing you want is for your trip to be marred by a dental emergency. It’s a Read more